Investing in health justice:

Increasing visibility of funding dedicated to making health systems inclusive for people with disabilities

February 2025

Report cover on a green background. On the top left a picture of a young man in a rehabilitation session. On the top right a picture of young girl standing with a walking aid. Title of the report and logos of the authors apperar.

A novel report on funding dedicated to making health systems inclusive for people with disabilities was published by Missing Billion Initiative, with the support of Clinton Health Access Initiative and Special Olympics.

This report presents a baseline of disability-relevant health funding, analyzed from OECD data and sheds light on the persistent underfunding of disability-inclusive health systems. It also highlights the need for better data tracking. To support funders in driving change, it also offers a framework of good practices, to help funders make their programs disability-inclusive. These insights make the case for funders to invest in catalytic disability opportunities and data tracking to help bridge the wide disability health outcome gap.



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