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Partner for action

Improving the health of people with disabilities at scale will not happen without active collaboration and learning from global health actors. To ensure disability inclusion is mainstreamed, MBI supports health funders to deploy funding, and implementors to scale piloted solutions.

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Partner to scale solutions

We partner with and support organizations and funders to implement the high-impact solutions we identified. By Through these partnerships we bring the experience and knowledge of MBI to partners willing to implement solutions at scale.

Examples of past and current scaling partnerships:

Department of Health, Abu Dhabi

We collaborated with the Department of Health to create disability-inclusive health system and facilities in Abu Dhabi.


Ministry of Health, Chile

We supported the implementation of the MBI System Level Assessment to provide the necessary evidence on disability inclusion of the Chilean health system. The results from the assessment process led to a new national policy on the health of persons with disabilities.


Ministry of Health, Mozambique

We supported the Ministry of Health with the application of the MBI System Level Assessment. The results from the assessment led to piloting a training with 100 Community Health Workers in 6 provinces.


Ministry of Health, Nigeria

We supported the Ministry of Health with a rapid assessment of disability inclusion in the health system, and supported with the developemtn of a traininh module on disability that has been rolled-out national to more than 40,000 frontline healthcare workers.


We support health actors and funders to have inclusive practices

Portfolio diagnostic

​To ensure that existing donor programs are inclusive and considerate of disability, we review portfolios and give suggestions on areas for improvements. This can look like a workshop with different project or country teams to start building capacity on “disability reviews”, or a deep-dive across several health projects to identify opportunities for better inclusion of disability.

Consulting services

To ensure that existing operations of health actors or programs are inclusive and considerate of disability.

Reach out to us if you would like to discuss a portfolio diagnostic or our bespoke consulting services.
