We are collecting examples of good practice from around the world for each of our Inclusive Health Systems Framework elements.
Good practice examples are identified through consultations (e.g., with organizations of people with disabilities, disability-inclusive health experts, etc.), an open online form, and desk research. Potential good practice examples are included based on the fulfillment of at least one of the following criteria:
People with disabilities participate in the design, implementation, and/or monitoring and evaluation of interventions.
The good practice is based on a human rights perspective (i.e., Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities).
An impact or process evaluation has been conducted.
The good practice is considered to be sustainable (e.g., it is embedded in a government structure or plan).
Relevant information is then extracted on the good practice example, through interview of the implementers or review of official documents, and these are then summarized and peer-reviewed.
Appropriate in-country laws and policies assert the right to reasonable accommodation and outlaw discrimination based on disability.
Disability is clearly articulated and represented in the Ministry of Health, health sector structures and coordination mechanisms.
Health Financing
There is sufficient earmarked disability inclusion, AT, and rehabilitation budget.
Data & Evidence
Data showing the health situation of people with disabilities, evidence to understand and improve health services.

Autonomy & Awareness
People with disabilities make their own decisions about health care and are aware of their rights and options.
People with disabilities can afford to access health.

Human Resources
Health workforce is knowledgeable about disabilities and has the skills and flexibility to provide quality care.
Eye care capacity building in low- and middle-income countries
Learning Disability and Autism Training for Health and Care Staff in the UK
Health worker handbook on sexual and reproductive health in Ecuador
Disability and inclusion training for health care workers in Tanzania
Future Learn: Improving Health Assessments for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Disability Training for Community Health Assistants in Zambia
Inclusive family planning and sexual and reproductive health services in Kenya
Disability inclusive health training in Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Rwanda
Health Facilities
Health-care services, including health-care facility infrastructure and information, are accessible for people with disabilities.
Disability Inclusion Scorecard Audit of Health Centres Accessibility in Ethiopia
Accessible primary health services for Deaf and hard of hearing in Montevideo, Uruguay
Accessibility standards for health facilities in low and middle-income settings
National Accessibility Audit of Primary Health Care Facilities in Brazil
Rehabilitation Services and Assistive Technology
Rehabilitation and specialist services are available, affordable and of good quality for people with disabilities.

Download the complete compendium
Share your good practice
We welcome additions from your work and experience. To submit your good practice please fill in our online form.
If you need support to fill in the form please reach out to info@themissingbillion.org with the heading ‘Good practice’.